The Time-Frequency Transform

Jackknife intertrial coherence and phase

In my last post, I gave a brief introduction to intertrial coherence, which is a measure of how consistent oscillatory phase is across …

What is intertrial coherence?

Intertrial coherence (ITC) is a measure of how consistent oscillatory phase is across an ensemble of trials. In the schematic below, we …

EEG processing with Python, but in R: redux

Two years ago I wrote a post demonstrating Python pre-processing of EEG data using Python chunks in an RMarkdown document. This worked …

Building up an ERP

How averaging over repetitions produces an event related potential and separates signal from noise

More on reaction times

I previously replicated some simulations from a journal article by Ratcliff (1993) 1. These sims demonstrate that transformations such …

Analysing reaction times - Revisiting Ratcliff (1993) (pt 1)

Reaction times are a very common outcome measure in psychological science. Frequently, people use the mean to summarise reaction time …

Loading EEGLAB .set files in R - part 2

In the last post, I showed how you can get the EEG data from EEGLAB .set files saved as Matlab v7.3 files, but that there are some …

Loading EEGLAB .set files in R - part 1

Like a lot of people, I’ve been using EEGLAB and Fieldtrip for years and have a lot of data already processed using those packages. It …